Supporting Veterans & Community
The Gympie RSLA Sub Branch welcomes all veterans and provide support and services to help them and their families. Whether you're serving or ex-serving, young or not so young, male or female, Regular, Reserve or National Service personnel, Army, Navy, Airforce and Allied Nations, whether you have deployed or not, if you have ever served anywhere, ever!
Autumn Art Workshop – Papermaking
Unveil the artist in you with our Autumn art workshops in May!
Papermaking on Friday 10th May | Artist’s Studio, Glenwood – transport from Gympie available | 9.30am – 3.30pm | MAX 8 people
Try your hand at one of the world’s oldest crafts! Master papermaker Dion will describe the ages-old tradition while guiding you through the same steps that artisans would have followed thousands of years ago. Participants will be shown how to make paper of an A4 size in a handmade papermill environment.
Choose this workshop along with bookbinding to turn your own paper into an Oriental style bound book!
These workshops are open to Veterans, War Widows, and a plus one only.
Book your workshop now for only $15 per person & per class!